During the 9 years it took to earn her doctorate degree in psychology, Alicia worked as a psychotherapist, school psychologist, researcher, adjunct professor, and in-home behavioral therapist. None of it prepared her for in-the-trenches motherhood. She now puts her well-honed skills to use on her kids using advanced bribery and reverse psychology 101. When that fails, she drinks.
Alicia is a published essayist and is currently working on her first book which sounds more exciting than it really is, as if she were some kind of 'writer' instead of a woman stealing moments at 10:00 pm to piece together a memoir. She has also started trying to market a (hopeful) column.
Her essays have been accepted at several magazines, including 2 national publications: Today's Caregiver and Parenting Special Needs. Her work was also accepted in the international magajournal; Autism Spectrum Quarterly. Her work has made several appearances in the Gloucester County Times. She has co-authored chapters in the following books: Innovations In Clinical Practice and Eating Disorders, Obesity, and Body Image: A Practical Guide to Assessment and Treatment. She is a contributing blogger at the New Jersey Moms Blog and Autism Sucks.
Her hobbies include procreation, lactation, blogging, and writing probono. And the pursuit of the ever elusive luxury of sleep...
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