This true story is narrated by a heroine so lovable and relatable to children - a little wiener dog named Frankie. Her story is told in her own "voice" through her owner and book's author, Barbara Techel. Frankie is a little dog who is loved dearly and enjoying a happy life until one day a spinal injury leaves her hind legs paralyzed. At this point, the story could become a tragedy. But it doesn't. It shines as a story of love, hope and over coming challenges.
Frankie's spinal injury necessitates her learning how to use a special doggie wheelchair and her life moves forward just as full and rich as it ever was before. In fact, even richer. Because now little Frankie and Barbara enjoy meeting, educating, and spreading awareness, acceptance and encouragement to children and adults everywhere who are facing all types of difficult situations. Frankie and Barbara not only get through the challenges life gave them, but use their experience to reach out to the world and help others. Such a cool message of empowerment!
What I like about this book is that it captures children of all ages and can be used to convey positive messages about disabling conditions. The book's life lesson is so multifaceted that it can meet any child, at any age, where they are in their development. The story, for instance, can be summarized for younger children as they connect with the brightly colored pictures. For older children, you can read the length of the story verbatim, and it is even a perfect book for young readers to enjoy reading aloud on their own.
If you're interested in a book for your kids, nieces, nephews, church group, or school, I highly recommend Frankie The Walk 'N Roll Dog as a great learning tool, conversation starter about disabilities, and just a plain, nice enjoyable read.
Don't miss this gem of a book for adults, children, animal lovers, and those facing physical challenges in their own lives or lives of a loved one. Visit Joyful Paws for more information on this charming book and to learn more about Frankie!
To learn more, and to order a copy of this multi-award winning picture book, please visit http://www.joyfulpaws.com
Other Sites to Check Out:
Barbara's Blog: http://joyfulpaws.typepad.com
Frankie's Blog: http://frankiethewalknrolldog.blogspot.com
To See the Tour Schedule: http://virtualblogtour.blogspot.com/2009/05/frankie-walk-n-roll-dog-virtual-book.html
There will be a SPECIAL OFFER FOR VISITORS TO THE VIRTUAL BLOG TOUR. Each guest who comments on a post in Barbara and Frankie's tour will be entered in a drawing for some fun, unique gifts that will especially appeal to Frankie fans and other dog lovers. We will give away several items from Frankie's store -- http://www.cafepress.com/Joyfulpaws. These include two Frankie t-shirts and two Frankie tote bags.
That looks like a great book!
This is a wonderful book! I bought it for my grandkids.
My husband & I have a friend in town, Mike the Barber, who has a dachschund with the same affliction as Frankie! This book sounds lovely. I can't wait to read get it for my grandkids and to recommend it to Mike!
-Susan Wingate
I teach kindergarten. This would be great for every teacher!!
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