So, I'm dreaming that I'm speaking to my friend M on the phone. Suddenly, my nose is stuffed up and I'm trying to blow my nose. Out of my right nostril comes a yellow parakeet. As it comes out, it reminds me of the way a child is birthed. Then, realizing my other nostril is feeling plugged up as well, I figure there is probably a bird in there too. This parakeet is blue and I have a harder time getting it out. I'm pushing and blowing and unlike the yellow bird that came out smoothly and unruffled, the blue one is kinda stuck and when it does become dislodged, it looks a bit bedraggled and maimed. Then, I wake up and think about this dream all day.
So, WTF???? That's my question.
And speaking of WTF, why is Jack Black guest staring on Yo Gabba Gabba and what the heck is this weird, trippy show anyway? (If your kids are over 5, you likely have no clue what I'm talking about and are a better person for it).
Okay, so birds symbolize one's thoughts and perhaps spirituality. To dream of a FLYING bird is freedom of the spiritual and psychological... joy, harmony, love and balance. A transcending soul. A release of our own emotional/psychic energy. So, um, what does it mean when its trapped up your nose like a ball of snot?
Now this, I had to google: A parakeet is apparently the symbol of 'a message being conveyed to you, like from your unconscious mind to your conscious mind.' (Cue the supernatural music). Okay, as corny and horoscopy as that is, it actually does make sense in the context of where I am in my life. This makes even more sense given the person I was speaking with on the phone and our conversations that we have in respect to the spiritual. Wow, am I actually getting all deep on my blog? This is really freaky. Stinkin' dumb parakeets are messing with my MIND!!!
And there's Tink's little butt crack. Hi there, crack! Tink loves to be naked. Allllllways. Often she likes to wear dress up heels while buck. These are the things that make a mother take pause...
Perhaps my dream really symbolized that I have a bad head cold. Or, as my friend J offered, a warning NOT to get a pet. Or perhaps I'm processing the time Tink shoved sofa cushion 'batting' up her nose and for 7 months had the worst breath known to man (Yes, it took me that long to recognize that perhaps a toddler with sudden onset, chronic halitosis might indeed have some foreign body rotting in her sinuses.)
I am just so deeply intriguing. Aren't I? Such a deep, complex, layered person. I'm an onion.
And there's that crack again.
Happy Friday, and pleasant dreams. May they be free of parakeets birthing outcha snoz.
I thought I had strange dreams...it's nice to know other people share in them as well. Not sure I can help you with the meaning as I have never dreamnt about anything coming out of my nose..except maybe beer (but that's a whole other story for another time).
oops...that should be spelled dreamt...it wouldn't let me change it....
Since I've been pregnant everything I dream about I eat...People, buildings hell the other night I was polishing off a goat while it was trying to buck the crap out of me...
Yo Gabba Gabba, got to love it! My kids do..I watch it solely for Biz's beat of the day!! Oh Kay!! One of these days I will take my new beat boxing skills to the streets to battle other stay-at-home Yo Gabba Gabba moms..but for now, I'm keepin' it on the "low" till its perfected, you know what I'm sayin'? (Im so far from cool can you tell)...
In the mean time please tell me you remember Biz # one hit "You, got what i need, but you say she just a friend..."...lOL!! I cant believe 99% of this post was about the BIZ...
So here I am, skimming through the stream of your conscience, kind of in my own world, trying to get my reader down from 109 things to read when . . .
"And there's Tink's little butt crack. Hi there, crack! Tink loves to be naked. Allllllways. Often she likes to wear dress up heels while buck. These are the things that make a mother take pause..."
Totally hilarious. Tink baby, you got me too.
Yeah hes on there..If you go to You Tube, type in "Yo Gabba Gabba" and you'll see "Biz's beat of the day".
BTW..the 90's were not to kind to Ol' Biz..
And yes I need a side kick for my act, GIRL it can be "Alicizzle and Tiffbizzle, fo' shizzel" OH SNAP!! LOL!! Ok, I'll stop as my 19 year old brother just rolled his eyes at me.. You have a good weekend too!
What a weird dream, no wonder you googled it!
How did they remove Tink's foreign body up the nose? The things kids do, gotta laugh!
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