Friday, January 25, 2013


I forgot to set my alarm this morning.  Thanks to a late night hosting Bunco (which is the socially acceptable version of mommy-gambling) I managed to oversleep until the phone ripped me awake at 6:45 am.  It was CB's bus driver calling me after idling in front of our pitch dark house (Oh yes, you did the math correctly - CB's bus comes at 6:35am).  Needless to say, the entire household was still asleep so the bus left and I just drove CB in later.  But of course, I was awake after the call with 30 minutes to spare before "phase 2" of morning buses began.

Little Tink (my early riser) was up after hearing me creak down the steps into the kitchen and we watched a spectacular sunrise to end all sunrises out of the gigantic picture window in our sunroom.

"Are you gonna go get your camera Mom?" she asked, snuggled on my lap, knowing me all too well.

"Nope, I'm just going to sit here with you and enjoy it.  We'll take a picture for our hearts."

A deer meandered through our lawn as we watched the colors of rainbow sherbet glow behind the lattice of bare branches.

Okay, of course, I DID end up taking a picture with my phone and posting it on facebook because how could I NOT share this moment?   But the real moment was snuggling with Tink and watching it in silent reverence.  

"Life is good Mom," she said to me.

"Yes it is." I responded.  I'm so grateful for my girls being able to appreciate the moments like these.  I don't know if it is their natural inclination or if we just work hard at fostering it, which we do.  As I remind them, I remind myself.  Appreciate.  Appreciate it all.  Don't take it for granted.

It was a spectacular start to a frigidly cold day.
Now it's time to snuggle with my girls under a blanket to watch DVR'ed episodes of American Idol.

Have an awesome weekend!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

They're each so beautiful -- and clearly have inherited both inner and outer beauty from their parents.

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