Saturday, October 3, 2009

Comment For A Cause: Breast Cancer and Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month AND Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In honor of these important women's issues, Heather at Singing With My Heart is contributing .25 for every comment left over on HER blog (up to $250.00). She will add an additional .25 to her donation if you write a post on your own blog and link to her and ANOTHER .5 if you tweet it.

She will collect comments through the entire month of October. When she reaches her goal, she will divide the money that YOU helped her raise and donate equally to both charities. There's also a chance for YOU to win a $25.00 Amazon gift card.

So, PLEASE, head on over to Singing With My Heart and do one of the simplest good deeds you can.

1 comment:

Beth L. Gainer said...

Thank you for letting your readers have this opportunity for a good cause.

As you know, I'm a breast cancer survivor and will help the cause by visiting this woman's site and making a comment.

Thank you so much for your compassion and empathy!!

-- Beth

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